Update on the remedy to remove discriminatory provisions from the police pension schemes

Briefing by Research and Policy Support, PFEW

Date: 21 February 2020


This update and the attached FAQs are relevant to all members. This is the case whether you originally qualified for any of the transitional protections or not and whether you joined the pension scheme before 1 April 2015 or on or after that date, as ultimately all members are likely to be affected in some way by the remedy.

The intention of this communication is to update members about what has happened so far and what might happen in the future regarding the design and implementation of the remedy to the unlawful discrimination caused by the transitional protections within the police pension schemes. We appreciate that members will have many questions and that some will remain unanswered. Obviously, more details about the remedy and its application will emerge as the process described below progresses, and we will provide further updates as and when we are able.

In the meantime, the information given below and in the attached FAQs represents our best understanding of the position at this point in time, but it should not be relied upon in the making of any financial decisions.

We hope you find this update and the attached FAQs helpful.

Click here to read the entire document