Federation elections: members urged to fully engage with process

Whether putting themselves forward as candidates to become workplace representatives or just taking part in relevant rounds of the voting process, all members are being urged to fully engage in the Federation’s elections which get underway at the end of this month.

Phil Walker, who became chair of the South Wales Police Federation branch over the summer, says it has been a challenging year for the police service and the Police Federation and therefore it is important that members get involved in the elections.

“The Federation’s elections take around nine months from start to finish and there are various points at which members will be asked to get involved,” says Phil, “Firstly, at the end of December, the nominations process for all those who want to become workplace Federation reps opens so if this is something members are interested in now is the time to find out more, perhaps speak to existing reps or contact the office team.



“Then once nominations close on 24 January, all members will be sent an email inviting them to vote for their chosen candidates and I would urge all members not to waste their vote. Members need to choose the candidates who they feel will be best for the job.

“Further down the line, they will also be asked to vote not just for their local branch chair, but also the national chair and, again, it is really important for as many members as possible to cast their vote.”

Phil added: “If you want to see change then you need to be involved in driving that forward and that is best achieved not by standing on the outside looking in but by getting yourself onto the inside.

“Being a Federation representative can be challenging but it can also be incredibly rewarding, offering members the chance to access training that will help them, not just in their Fed role, but also in their policing career while, critically, giving them the chance to support colleagues in their time of need.”

Election process

The nationwide election process starts on 30 December when nominations open for workplace representatives and will be complete by 1 October 2025 when the new National Board will be in place.

The Force’s constables, sergeants and inspecting ranks, as well as Specials, can stand as candidates in the local workplace representative elections.

Federation branches across the country are making a special plea to members from under-represented groups to consider putting themselves forward to become reps to help better reflect the diversity of the membership.

Information on the first round of elections for workplace reps, including how to self-nominate and how to vote using the electronic voting system, will be emailed to all members. Voting for workplace reps will take place between 3 and 23 February and the results will be announced on 27 February.

If you want to find out more about becoming a representative, contact your local workplace representative or the Federation office.

More information about the role is available on the national Federation website.

A feature on the elections process appears on Pages 6 and 7 of the latest edition of Focus, the South Wales Police Federation magazine.

READ MORE: New magazine available to read online.