An open Letter demanding answers from the Government on the derisory pay award has been published
No more smoke and mirrors – just the truth
An open letter demanding answers from Government on the derisory pay award for police officers has been published by those representing rank and file officers from across the country.
Steve Trigg, chair of South Wales Police Federation, said: “Our members are angry and forces have been put in an impossible situation. We feel the government has not been truthful and honest about the pay award given to officers, and that is insulting’
“The two percent awarded has to come from existing policing budgets which means forces may have to choose between officer numbers and public safety. That cannot be right.â€
The letter outlines failures of the Government and demands answers on a range of issues, asking for the truth about crime figures, police numbers and claims of ‘extra’ officers.
“Crime is not falling, it’s on the up and cyber-crime has exploded. Officers are having to do more and more and cries of extra police officers being on patrol are not ‘extra’ police officers. They are the same officers doing longer hours, being called back in when they are off or being given extra responsibilities. It is all smoke and mirrors and double standards.
“The public have been fantastic at giving us support but they deserve better. Officers give all to become police officers but they are broken; unable to cope with the mental and physical demands placed upon them by having to work in depleted environments. This cannot be right or fair on anyone – let alone the public.â€
“We don’t want meaningless platitudes,†continued Steve Trigg. “We want a properly funded and well-resourced police service. The public rightly want and expect this, which is why we have called for answers.â€