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The PFOA Board and executive are made up of serving and retired Police Firearms Officers. Between them they have over 125 years experience in Police Firearms training and operations. Mark Williams (Chairman) and Mick Burke (Vice Chairman) have attended and represented firearms officers and commanders at over 50 Police Involved Shootings, 15 of which have been fatal incidents.
The PFOA gained official Charity Status in December 2010. Our Charity number is 1139247.
The PFOA Board and executive are made up of serving and retired Police Firearms Officers. Between them they have over 125 years experience in Police Firearms training and operations. Mark Williams (Chairman) and Mick Burke (Vice Chairman) have attended and represented firearms officers and commanders at over 50 Police Involved Shootings, 15 of which have been fatal incidents.
The PFOA gained official Charity Status in December 2010. Our Charity number is 1139247.
What we provide:
Counselling service for members and their families including children:
This is private confidential counseling. It is non police related carried out by qualified counsellors. We use in house trained experienced counsellors. This service can be organised within 24/48 Hours.
Paradigm Coaching:
We offer this to all our members and their families including children. We use Key 2 Enpowerment. They are made up of retired and serving Police Firearms Officers. This service has already been utilised on many occasions including helping children. It has also been used successfully for officers giving evidence at inquests. This service can be organised within 24 Hours.
Network of Support:
Through our unique contacts within Police Firearms throughout the UK we are able to arrange meetings between officers and their respective families who have been involved in similar traumatic incidents. Whether they are at either end of the country from each other we will fund this and ensure they have a suitable location to meet/speak. This has been utilised to great effect already on many occasions.
Financial Assistance:
We are able to make decisions quickly regarding any request for financial assistance. This may involve accommodation at short notice following a traumatic incident. We do not means test, and a decision can be made within 2 hours. This has also been utilised to assist with life saving surgery and funeral costs among other things.Inquests:
Following and during an inquest PFOA members are supported with all the above services. We also ensure all our members receive a respite break following the inquest verdict. These breaks include weekends away and nights out, Theatre etc. This is done to enable the members and their families to have some quality time together following what can be very stressful times.
Monthly Newsletter:
Our monthly newsletter goes out to our co-ordinators who then forward on to all firearms officers in their force. We estimate we reach over 15000 officers nationally.
The PFOA membership currently stands at over 2400 members, in 47 Forces and agencies. Our website, has a secure area for members. We have a financial advisors link, and two online shops selling tactical police equipment and clothing and sports clothing and accessories. All these services offer special rates for PFOA members. There are many other plans for the site in the near future. At present the site averages 2000 hits per month.
The Police Federation of England & Wales, and ACPO Firearms officially support the PFOA. Honorary members include:
ACC Simon Chesterman ACPO Firearms
Paul McKeever Chairman Police Federation England & Wales
Ian Rennie Secretary Police Federation England & Wales
The Home Office has officially agreed that we can use ‘Police’ in our title. We have also registered PFOA Ltd with Companies House.
Members pay £4 per month membership. Our overheads are very low with just one part time member of staff. All the board and executive committee members are volunteers.
The PFOA continues to grow weekly. Over the past year we have paid out over £14,000 to members and their families. The future for the Association is extremely bright with long-term growth expected for many years.
Aims and Objectives:
- The PFOA is a registered Charity 1139247
- The PFOA is a non-profit making and non-political Association.
- The PFOA is funded by member subscriptions, fundraising and donations.
- The PFOA is a support Association for firearms officers, ex firearms officers, other officers of any rank involved in police firearms operations and their families.
- We work alongside ACPO, NPIA, The Police Service, Police Federation, Superintendents Association and The Public and Commercial Service Union.
- When requested we will assist a member and his/her family.
- We aim to support and reassure our members following a work related incident, or other situations that have affected them or their families.
- We will use our vast network of contacts nationally to assist our members should they and their families wish to meet and speak to other officers involved in similar incidents which have caused distress or worry.
Mark Williams